If you have decided to spend 7 days on a sailboat and for that you have chosen Pag, ACI marina Šimuni as the departure port, in this text we will show you interesting ports and bays. And since the ACI marina Šimuni is located between the “northern” and “southern” parts of our coast, we have divided this view into 2 parts and will call them the NORTHERN route and the SOUTHERN route.
First, we will sail along the Northern route, which includes the islands of Maun, Silba, Olib, Susak, Ilovik, Rab, Cres, Lošinj, Unije. And since the planned sailing route depends on the weather conditions, we will also suggest some alternative places for mooring, if the weather conditions are not in favor of your planned sailing route.
Day 1 (Saturday) ACI marina Šimuni-Island Maun or Olib – 3-9 NM
Depending on the time of your arrival at the base on Saturday, after completing the shopping and paper part of taking over the boat and if the weather conditions are favorable, you can sail to Šip bay on the island of Maun, which is 3NM away from ACI Marina Šimuni. In that short time, you can get to know the boat a little better and check whether all the equipment is working properly. And if you want even more. You can sail to Olib in an hour. Slatinica, Draga or the port of Olib. All these are bays where you can find a mooring depending on the weather forecast.

You can anchor on the island of Maun, the bottom is muddy and holds the anchor well. It is a good shelter for winds from the NW and NE direction, but if the wind blows from the S direction, it is better to look for a mooring at the nearby Olib.
On the island of Olib, we recommend Slatinica cove on the E side of the island, where 15 buoys have been placed. The cove with turquoise sea and sandy beach is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful in this part of the Adriatic Sea. But be careful, Slatinica bay is completely open to winds from the N direction, so it is better to sail somewhere else if the forecast is bora or tramontana.
Draga bay on the N part of Oliba can be a good shelter from the storm. A beautiful bay, with turquoise sea and sandy bottom. It is anchored at a depth of 2-5 meters. The anchor holds well on the sandy bottom. The bay is open to the wind from the NW direction. If you expect the wind to strengthen from that direction, it is better to change the place of mooring.
A good alternative to all these bays can be the port of Olib. Located on the W side of the island. There is room for 17 boats. Moorings and berth on the side. The place has a shop and a couple of restaurants and cafes. It is a good shelter from all winds except NW winds.
Day 2 (Sunday) Olib-Silba-Ilovik – 15NM
We suggest that you stay a little longer on Olib, take a bath and explore all the coves. And then sail towards nearby Silba. An island without cars, with lots of flowers, smells and a special energy. There is one place on the island that stretches from the north to the south side of the island and you can cross it in about 10 minutes. Several shops, restaurants and cafes.
On the northern side of Silba is a small harbor with 7-8 moorings. It is possible to anchor outside the breakwater. Several buoys were also installed last year. If the forecast is for wind from the N direction, you should sail to the southern side of the island in the bay of Sv. Ante. More than 20 buoys were placed there in two arms of the bay.
The island of Ilovik and Sv. Peter.
The two islets are separated by a 2.5 km long and 300 m wide channel. The channel is very well protected from the winds and serves as a harbor for boaters who come here to enjoy the untouched nature.
The village of Ilovik is a small, quiet place with a nautical atmosphere throughout the season. It is very popular among many sailors, given that it, like Silba, has no car traffic. One grocery store and several restaurants.

The island opposite is the island of Sveti Petar, which is almost deserted. There is the only cemetery with the ruins of a Benedictine monastery.
There are 3 boat mooring options available around Ilovik and the island of St. Peter. On the eastern side of the channel there are 80 buoys for mooring vessels. The place is very well protected from almost all winds, while possibly waves can arise when blowing strongly from the south (SE).
If you decide to moor in the port of Ilovik, you can do so on the south side of the ferry pier, but take care that the north side must always be free for local ferry traffic.
To the southeast of the ferry pier, there is the possibility of mooring to buoys. It is also possible to anchor NE of the settlement.
DAY 3 (Monday) Ilovik-Rab-21 NM
We sail further in the northeast direction past the islands of Vela and Mala Orjula, along the islets of Oruda and Dolfin (all of which are nice places for swimming) all the way to the island of Rab. Our goal is to spend the night in the town and marina of the same name – Rab. This is one of the popular sailing destinations for many sailors sailing the Northern Adriatic.
The town of Rab has been known as an important trading center since Roman times and has admirable historical monuments, especially the four famous bell towers and the ruins of St. Christopher’s Castle, as well as other galleries and monuments. Do not miss a walk through the old city center

if you want a safe place to moor, ACI Marina Rab is the best choice. You can also find a mooring on the city’s waterfront, but then take into account that the city’s port is quite exposed to all-day maritime traffic. ACI Marina Rab is a popular sailing destination in the lively tourist town of the same name and has 140 berths. If you want to be sure that he will be waiting for you, it is best to make a reservation.
Another option would be the anchorage in Sveta Eufemia bay, where you will be close to the city and have a wonderful view of all four bell towers. In that case, you should use a dinghy if you want to visit the town of Rab.
The possibility of supplying groceries in Rab is excellent – there are quite a few shops, restaurants, bars, a post office, and a nautical store in the town itself. Also, the town of Rab has a gas station and a service for boats as needed.
Day 4 (Tuesday) Rab – Osor 22 NM
After a morning swim in one of the bays on Rab, we will sail towards the largest island in Croatia, Cres. It is too big to visit all of it, so we will touch on only a few of its beautiful places.
When sailing from Rab, we will first sail to Punta Križ, SE part of the island of Cres. The multitude of bays, the indentation of the coast is a sure sign that you can find a place for yourself and take a break for lunch. Kolorat Bay, Majiška, Pogana, Baldarin… are just some of the many bays where you can anchor depending on the prevailing winds.
After the rest, we have another 9 miles of sailing to Osor.
After sailing around Cape Suha, we enter the channel between Lošinj and Cres.

Osor, a lovely place located on Cres, which administratively belongs to Mali Lošinj, has just under 100 inhabitants, but it is very important. Namely, there is the Osor drawbridge that connects Cres and Lošinj. In addition to this attraction, Osor is full of cultural sights, restaurants and bars.
Bura is also blowing strongly from the south. In the approach to Osor from the S side, it is shallow, so you have to sail between the red and green marks. Along the coast of Cres, in a length of about 50 m before the bridge, it is shallow (below 2 m), so you should stay away from it.
It is possible to moor in a small marina or on buoys in front of the bridge. The bridge opens every day at 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and vessels coming from the S direction have the right of way. The passage is 12 m wide and at least 2.6 m deep. The current in the passage can be strong, so you need to sail at an increased speed through the passage.
If the weather forecast predicts a strong gale or a southerly gale, you should not continue sailing towards Osor, but seek better shelter from those winds. Veli Lošinj (south) Ilovik (all winds).
Day 5 (Wednesday) Osor-Cres 21NM
In the morning, when we pass the Strait of Osor, we continue our sailing along the southern side of the island of Cres towards the town of Cres. The town of Cres is considered a safe port in all weather conditions.
During your sailing, don’t miss visiting numerous coves and beaches. The bays of Žanja, Martinščica, Lubenice, Valun, Vela Draga…
The town of Cres looks idyllic with its beautifully painted noble houses. The center of Cres is 10 minutes away from the marina by a pleasant walk along the promenade by the sea. In Cres, you can visit the famous Benedictine monastery, which boasts a rich collection of icons from the 15th century, and the Franciscan monastery with the church of St. Francis from the 14th century. Explore the romantic alleys and enjoy the view in one of the many street cafes and restaurants.

There is a possibility of mooring in the city port and the local marina. We recommend mooring in the ACI marina Cres, which is located at the entrance to the canal, on its right side. Due to rough seas and the risk of damage, do not tie up on the outside of the breakwater while waiting for a space to become available in the marina, but take a free space and, if necessary, re-anchor afterwards. The marina has 460 berths. There is a gas station right next to the marina, the depth next to the jetty is 5 m.
Food supply:
In the marina there is a cafe, a restaurant, a boat equipment store, apartment accommodation and a grocery store. You have more options for shopping in the harbor and the old town of Cres.
Day 6 (Thursday) Cres-Unije 21NM
Our sailing is slowly coming to an end and it is important to spend as much time as possible swimming, sailing and exploring.
Our next island is Unije. Less than 100 people live on the island. Most of them are engaged in tourism, fishing and agriculture.
Our recommendation is Maračol bay.

The bay is protected from all winds except SE. Buoys are anchored in the bay. The way of mooring, tie the bow to the buoy, and tie the stern to the shore. You can walk to the 30-minute distant town of Unije on the other side of the island.
If you expect a SE wind, it is a good decision to seek shelter in the port of Mali Lošinj, 10 NM away, or sail to the island of Suska, which is well protected from the south, but open to the storm.
Day 7 (Friday) Unije – Silba 25NM
May our last evening before returning to our home port be magical Silba. At the beginning of our voyage, we touched its shores, and now treat yourself to the complete experience. A walk around the whole island, dinner in a tavern, make the experience complete.

Try to find a place to moor on the north side of the island, in a small harbor. It’s Friday and most charter boats are close to their ports or have already returned, so there’s a good chance you’ll find a free berth. If a strong gale is forecast, do not tie up on the N side of the island, but seek shelter in the bay of Sv. Ante where the buoys are anchored. The town of Silba is about a 30-minute walk from the bay.
Day 8. Silba – ACI marina Šimuni – 12NM
It is only 2 hours of sailing to the ACI marina Šimuni. We are waiting for you around 10 am. Welcome back.